第十六期:Horizon Europe Project Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER) and Follow-on

讲座题目:Horizon Europe Project Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER) and Follow-on
The PAGER project provides space weather predictions initiated from observations on the Sun to predict radiation in space and its effects on satellite infrastructure. Real-time predictions and a historical record of the dynamics of the cold plasma density and ring current allow for the evaluation of surface charging, and predictions of relativistic electron fluxes allow for the evaluation of deep dielectric charging. The project provides a 1-2 day probabilistic forecast of ring current and radiation belt environments, which allow satellite operators to respond to predictions that present a significant threat. As a backbone of the project, we use the most advanced codes that currently exist and adapt existing codes to perform ensemble simulations and uncertainty quantifications. This project includes a number of innovative tools including data assimilation and uncertainty quantification, new models of near-Earth electromagnetic wave environment, ensemble predictions of solar wind parameters at L 1, and data-driven forecast of the geomangetic Kp index and plasma density. The developed codes may be used in the future for realistic modeling of extreme space weather events. The PAGER consortium is made up of leading academic and industry experts in space weather research, space physics, empirical data modeling, and space environment effects on spacecraft from Europe and the US.

王德栋,德国亥姆霍兹地球科学研究中心(GFZ)研究员。2009年本科毕业于武汉大学物理学基地班,2014年12月在武汉大学获得空间物理学博士学位,之后在武大从事两年博士后工作,主要研究电磁离子回旋波的在地球内磁层中的空间分布和激发机制。于2017年进入德国亥姆霍兹地球科学研究中心从事辐射带建模工作。2022年在该研究所获得终身研究员岗位并被提升为空间物理和空间天气部门波粒相互作用研究小组组长。发表相关SCI论文60余篇,h-index 25。担任JGR, GRL,中国科学以及EPP等杂志审稿人。曾获得第三届全球华人空间天气会议优秀青年论文奖,以及2015年中国地球物理年会优秀青年论文奖。获得2019年度德国亥姆霍兹地学研究中心青年科学家奖以及国际无线电协会2020年度青年科学家奖。曾主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“内磁层中的电磁离子回旋波”。是AOGS,EGU等国际会议磁层电离层耦合分会场的召集人。